Your partner in health and Smile

Nose Correction Set




  1. Scalpel handle #15
  2. Scalpel handle #7
  3. Surgical Operating Scissor 13cm str.
  4. Mayo stille T.C operating scissor 17cm Cuv.
  5. Reynold jameson scissor 14cm cuv.
  6. Adson T.C tissue forcep 12cm
  7. Micro adson forcep 12cm 1X2 teeth
  8. Adson brown delicate tissue forcep 12cm 7X7 teeth straight
  9. Dressing forcep 20cm
  10. Nelson tissue focep 15cm
  11. Gruenwald Jansen nasal bayonet forcep 16cm serrated
  12. Crile wood T.C needle holder 15cm
  13. Halsted Micro Mosquito forcep 12.5cm
  14. Leriche artery forcep 15cm 1X2 teeth, str.
  15. Pean hemostatic forcep 14cm str.
  16. Backhaus towel clamp 13cm
  17. Dressing forcep 17.5cm cuv. Delicate
  18. Gross dressing forcep 20cm cuv.
  19. Barsky skin hook 15cm single prong, sharp
  20. Joseph delicate retractor, 17cm, 2 prong, 5mm, sharp
  21. Supercut plus T.C Mayo scissor 14cm str.
  22. Supercut plus T.C Mayo scissor 14cm cuv.
  23. Supercut plus Metzenbaum T.C scissor 18cm Cuv.
  24. Supercut plus Kelly T.C scissor 16cm cuv.
  25. Langenbeck bone elevator 20cm, 7mm, blunt
  26. Freer raspatory 19cm, 5/5mm double ended sharp/sharp
  27. Willigner raspatory, 16cm, 5mm, sharp
  28. Mckenty raspatory, 15cm, 4mm, sharp, light curve
  29. Supercut heymann nasal scissor 18cm
  30. Supercut plus fomon T.C. dorsal scissor 13cm
  31. Mallet, 26cm, novotex plastic, 240 grams, 45mm diameter
  32. Gubisch pen holder for disposable pens, 13cm
  33. Pen for marking, package of 10
  34. Round bowl for solution, 40X20mm, 20cc
  35. Round bowl for solution marking color, 60X30mm, 60cc
  36. Round bowl for solution, 80X40mm, 160cc
  37. Round bowl for solution, 110X55mm, 400cc
  38. Castroviejo caliper, 7cm, 20mm measuring range
  39. Cutting burr, barrel #20, 5mm
  40. Killian asept nasal speculum, #4, 90mm (modified)
  41. Weil blakesley wilde ethmoid bone forcep #3, 120mm shaft, 4.2mm
  42. Freer septum knife (mucosa scalpel), 16mm
  43. Cottle nasal speculum, delicate, 15cm, 55mm
  44. Gubisch suction rasparatory with guide and bypass hole, 20cm, 4mm
  45. Gubisch Suction raspatory with guide, 17cm, 4mm
  46. Cartilage cutting block, taflon, 85X55X10mm
  47. Gubisch cartilage crusher 65X30mm
  48. Gubisch kilner double nasal hook (alar retractor), 8cm, sharp, 5X10mm
  49. Gubisch aufricht nasal retractor, 17cm, 50X6-12mm
  50. Cottle gubisch chisel, 18cm, 5mm, graduated, hallow cut
  51. Cottle gubisch chisel, 18cm, 12mm, graduated, hallow cut
  52. Gubisch osteotome, 18.5cm, 3mm, aluminium handle
  53. Fanous osteotome, 19.5cm, 4mm, str. With guide thorn
  54. Caplan nasal septum scissor, 20cm, serrated
  55. Aiach forcep, 16cm, 5mm tip
  56. Gubisch fomon, T.C. nasal rasp, 20cm
  57. Rubin T.C. septal morselizer forcep 20cm, with protective guard
  58. Lindemann burr #3, 45mm
  59. Buchwald tongue spatula, 18cm, 18X23mm
  60. Binner needle ekectrode, 21.5cm


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